I pinned a cute Birthday interview on Pinterest a few months ago, and even though when I asked Benson these questions he told me "I 2!" and "Bubbles!" (so random), mama knows the answers. So without further ado, Benson's Birthday interview:
1. What is your favorite color? Color! (What Benson says every time he finds something yellow.) So we'll go with Yellow, I'm thinking he doesn't really care at this point.
2. What is your favorite toy? Benson hearts toys. Perhaps his helicopter? I think he dreams about it, because the first thing he wants to do every morning is pull it in a circle.
3. What is your favorite fruit? Does the applesauce in a pouch count? Benson is obsessed with this stuff, and so am I. It's relatively healthy and he can eat it by himself. He's still trying to master the spoon/fork thing. 4. What is your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog!)
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? The inconsistency here would blow your mind. His favorite food one day is the food he despises the next day, so we just try to keep up and get something in his little body. Lately we had lots of luck with turkey dogs, go figure!
6. What is your favorite outfit? Is this a question for mama? Um, his Tommy skinny jeans and navy and white striped sweater. I'm a little obsessed with his clothes. Whoever said boy clothes weren't fun didn't go shopping with me! Luckily, Benson is super easy going about what he wears.
7. What is your favorite game? Anything Grammy comes up with, she thinks of the funnest games!
8. What is your favorite snack? Gold Fish, rainbow ones, green first, then red, leave out the orange ones.
9. What is your favorite animal? Doggies, much to my dismay.
10. What is your favorite song? This kid loves music, like for reals. Lately hes been into "I love Benson, he loves me, we love Dada yes siree, he loves us and so you see, we are a happy Family!"
11. What is your favorite book? Big Little, Yes Yes No No, and Yummy Yucky. Funniest/Cutest books ever!
12. Who is your Best Friend? We have issues here, we're working on being more social!
13. What is your favorite Treat? Doughnuts!
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Bubbles! (Or trying to sneak into the garage through the side door).
15. What is your favorite drink? He's one of those kids who would rather drink than eat. Ovaltine, Crystal Light Lemonade, and smoothies and a few faves.
16. What is your favorite holiday? I'm sure its Christmas- any day hes gets 52 new toys has got to be his favorite.
17. What do you like to take with you to bed? Monkey, his nose is barely hanging on but they are besties and have their own language.
18. What do you like to eat for breakfast? Pancakes!!!
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Rice and Beans, his fave.
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Something that includes lights or buttons, after all, we want him to love his work!
And just to make sure this is the longest post ever, we had an airplane birthday party. My camera wasn't working which I absolutely freaked out about, so my pictures are horrible! However, i did get some low quality ones once I calmed down.
Baggage Check and Baggage Claim, I found the cute mini suitcases on Etsy:
Airplane from Homegoods:
Propeller cookies, jet fuel (lemonade), in flight menu, airplane cake:

Birthday banner, planes and clouds:

I can't get over how quirky and hilarious and stubborn this little guy is. He is just so precious and we are so happy to have him in our family. Happy Birthday Benson!