Monday, March 30, 2009

Things That Made Me Happy Last Week

It snowed last night. Big crazy snowflakes when it’s supposed to be spring. That’s not the happy part…the happy part is that when I woke up this morning the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky and all of the snow was gone. We can just pretend like it never happened!

I scrubbed my bedroom and bathroom, like spring cleaning style, even cleaned the drawers out. Today, almost one week later they’re still clean!

I watched Twilight will some gals on Friday night and we chatted until 2 a.m. We caught the last few minutes of the MSU game and they made it to the Elite 8. That's a double dose.

Brandon had a ginormous assignment due today so last week was crazy. Saturday he and Eric were at the library ALL DAY. I hung out with Jamie and Cohen when the boredom became too much- they definitely made me happy last week.

I made Cream Cheese brownies. They were so dang good!

I realized that Brandon will be done with his first year of law school in 44 days. What the? It went by so fast! I am so happy for him, he rocked it.

On Sunday Michigan State played for a chance at the Final 4 in Detroit. They beat the number 1 overall seed, nobody though they could do it. Honestly, such historic and amazing events deserve their own post, coming soon.Yay for Happiness.


Cathy said...

Those brownies look delicious! What is the recipe?

Jamie said...

Go MSU! And Yah for girls nights!

Bob, Emily, Ellie, and Kate said...

Love that post. Friday night really was so fun. Yay for Twilight and for girls nights!!!

Andy & Ashlee said...

umm, those brownies look so heavenly!

Becky said...

I was just talking to your Mom about Brandon almost being done with his first year. Isn't that amazing! I am so happy for you. If it;s anything like medical school your hardest year is behind you! I am so proud of you two!

Julina said...

Um, may I please have that brownie recipe please?

Brandon, Mandy and Benson said...

Okay, make these brownies ASAP! So good!

You need:
1 Brownie Mix
8 oz. cream cheese softened
1/2 C Sugar
1 Egg
1 t. Vanilla

Prepare brownie mix according to package directions. Mix cream cheese, sugar, egg, and vanilla well. Layer 1/2 prepared brownie mix, cream cheese mixture, then remaining brownie mix. Bake 5 minutes longer then mix says. Frost with a thin layer of chocolate frosting once cooled.

Taralee said...

How did you know I was craving brownies tonight?? I didn't end up making them (I'm proud of myself), but then you had to go and post some yum pictures :)

Your room is so fancy schmancy. I LOVE IT! Very pretty and perfect :) NOT like mine haha!

Taralee said...

Oh and I must might be making your recipe on thurs. I'm having a friend over, perfect!!

familyof4 said...

Those brownies look SO yummy!

Taralee said...

They're in the over as I type this. I'll have to tell you how they turn out!