Monday, July 13, 2009

Catching Up

I hate that I'm so behind. Life moves so much faster here than in East Lansing! I refuse to skip blog worthy events, so here we have this post.

Work is absolutely crazy. It's what I do pretty much all day everyday and for some reason I unconsciously don't blog about it- probably because it's my Dad's company. But seriously, we have all of the characters from The Office, plus a few. I have to say I'm grateful to have a job and maybe one day I'll share some of the stories (like how Brandon put a fake camera in a lady's office and rumor spread that management was "watching" and how the cops came and arrested one of my co-workers for an EBay scam.) One day.

Today is my parents anniversary. I feel so blessed to have grown up in a home with parents that love each other.

Happy Anniversary!

Last week we celebrated my mom's 50th at Carrabba's. It was pretty low key since we just got back from a week at the beach, which obviously deserves it's own post. She does not even look close to 50, right? It's cause we keep her young, ha ha.

She really deserves her own post- cause I don't know what I would do without her. Unfortunately this will have to do.
It's crazy to think we've been here for 2 months and we're going back to MI in August. Brandon is flying back in two weeks to move us into our new house. We're leaving our pimp loft that I love SO much to save $600.00 a month in rent. It's bitter sweet. But we're getting some pretty awesome new neighbors and I'm sure they'll help me forget I ever had heated underground parking.
Now it's back to work!


KFinley said...

You definitely have been busy! I can't believe summer is almost over - but it will be fun to have my companion back!

Bre said...

I CANNOT believe your Mom is 50. She is one of my favorite people. Give her a hug from me and tell her Happy Birthday in my "special" voice she loves. HAHAHAHHA!! and tell her to go "THISSSSSS THWAYYY" That made me crack up just thinking about it! LOL

Scott and Marissa said...

You look so much like you mother!! Hope you guys are going well!! WE have a blog now, we'll get you added. We are