Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mister Sister

If your all burned out on tags, feel free to skip this one (but my title will never make sense unless you keep reading).

I’ve been “husband” tagged, which is super appropriate since I haven’t seen my husband in forever! (Well, 10 days really.) When we were first married he had to travel a lot for work but made sure he was never gone longer than 10 days. When I scheduled my work trip for 14 days he made sure to remind me of that.

What is your husband's name? Brandon

How long have you guys been married? 5 1/2 years

How long did you date? We dated for about 6 months and we were engaged for about 6 months (with a break-up in the middle)

How old is he? 27

Who is taller? He definitely is

Who can sing the best? He can, he was even in choir for a year in high school (feel free to make fun)

Who is smarter? He’s really book smart and generally knows something about everything, I love it when I know something he doesn’t (it rarely happens)

Who pays the bills? Me, but he helps

Who does the laundry? I usually do it since I’m home during the day, but he occasionally throws a load in, I do all of the folding and hanging

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does

Who mows the lawn? If we had one it would be him, it's not up for discussion, our house in Las Vegas is desert landscaping

Who cooks dinner? Brandon has a few signature dishes, but that’s usually me too

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? I’m never wrong, so…

Who kissed who first? Depends on who you ask, since I’m being asked, he kissed me

Does he have any nicknames? Oh yes, I call him everything but his name- one of my favorites is Mister Sister, I also enjoy Yo B- as in, what's up Yo B?
(Now he calls me the counterpart to Mister Sister, Misses Brother)

Who wears the pants? What does that even mean? I like to think that we both contribute to making our life together productive and happy

A few pics I enjoy...

Miss ya!!


Teisha said...

That was fun to read about Brandon. I knew that about choir and I had classes with him so I know he is a smartie! Mister Sister is so funny! I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. A few years ago I went to Australia for three weeks for work. It seemed like forever!

Unknown said...

I am just cracking up at your weirdness!! I love that we're both equally as weird as we were in Junior High hahahaa!! Mister Sister and Misses Brother?! Were did you guys come from? Really I love it!! Ummmm....Ma'am when are we going to hang out? I'm just sitting here waiting around lol!!

Unknown said...

Wow what the heck am I logged in as?? My name is not even 'Breiona' any longer. It's Bre! Geeeez!

Sarah Goodsell said...

How fun you're so good about tags. It was good to see you the other day! When you guys are in town again please call us we'd love to hang out.

Jamie said...

You two are way too cute!!

Taralee said...

MANDY!!!! Hey! I forgot you had a blog, and I just remembered, yay! I'm glad to see that you found out how to digi scrap. Do you love it? If you ever have any questions feel free to ask :)

I really liked this post. I should do one of Tom. I'll see you around :)