Sunday, November 14, 2010

Just Call Us Gramps and Grams

Brandon and I had the once in a lifetime chance to sit in the Izzone (the most awesomest student section in all of college basketball) this weekend. We should have been cleaning up after our ward talent show, but our amazing friends covered for us, took our baby home and put him to bed so we could go have fun. Have I mentioned we have THE most amazing friends? The moral of this story is that we are officially old. These Izzone kids literally jump up and down and yell OOOOOHHH every single time the other team has possession of the ball. THE ENTIRE TIME. We kept looking at each and cracking up while our calves were burning and we were dying. At the beginning of the game the kid next to me looked super concerned because we didn’t have our white paper bags. He found us some. What the heck? Just follow along. Everyone is blowing them up. Michigan State scores, everyone pops their bag. We pop ours with a 2 seconds delay. The whole game was full of chants and rituals and us laughing and trying to follow along. Fun date.

Benson is a maniac and is all over the place. He learned to pull up on things, then learned to walk along the furniture holding on, he crawled up the stairs for the first time yesterday, and is getting more and more daring every day. He’s starting to feel less and less like a baby and more and more like a little boy. Tear.

We leave for Thanksgiving break on Thursday and I am beyond excited. It feels like forever since we’ve been home and I can’t wait for everyone to see Benson and all his new tricks. How do you fly with a baby that insists on constantly standing up and can’t sit still for more than a minute? I’ll have to let you know.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A 9 month old Monster...

Benson is 9 months old!

In the past 9 months I've sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 857 times, lost 643 hours of sleep, watched "Party in my Tummy" on You Tube 166 times, and read "What Does Baby Say" 124 times. (Not really.)

So what's Benson up to these days? Oh my heck, the kid is all over the place. One early morning I heard his typical "ay"! (Sounds like hey! Repeat until someone gets him out of his crib.) I walked into his room and there he was, standing up with his big grin. He was so dang proud of himself. Now he's obsessed and attempts to pull himself up on anything and everything. Which is why his forehead looks like this:

He finally gave up the weird army crawl for his hands and knees, and he has 2 whole teeth!

He thoroughly enjoyed his first Halloween (because I let him lick a sucker) but I'm pretty sure he slept through every halloween event we attended. I think his monster costume was a tad warm!

Good times!