Friday, November 6, 2009

Good Stuff

It's been far too long since I've blogged about good stuff I found at the grocery store, but food is a funny thing when you're pregnant. Lately it's been slightly more appealing and I've found a few things that must be tried. First, these...

The lemon ones are SO delicious- and only 100 calories! And these...

Equally as good, but not exactly 100 calories. And my mom sent this in our Halloween package...

I cannot get enough! Try it all!

Last weekend we headed to Ikea in Detroit to get some inspiration for Benson's room. We remembered some outlets on the way and took a detour. It's funny, the kid isn't even here yet and I already gave up on shopping for myself. I never understood how moms did that, but I found myself going from Baby GAP, to Gymboree to Children's Place. There was a massive sale at Children's Place with the CUTEST clothes on racks there were .99, $1.99 and $2.99. We had arm fulls, then a lady in line handed us a coupon so we ended up spending $25.00 on about 25 things. We were pretty dang proud of ourselves! A few of my favorites...


Kacy said...

I like the choc-rasberry in that brand!! So good. Awesome job on the shopping. If you are anything like the time you have this boy you will have enough clothes for twins!

Brittany said...

Cute clothes! Children's Place is so great when you hit clearence time, they have the best deals. Get on their mailing list and you'll get coupons all the time!

I wish they sold Steven's hot cocoa here. I think I'll have my in-laws mail me some for Christmas!

Becky Chatwin said...

I was eye-balling that yogurt the other day, but passed. Now I think I might give it a try! Thanks! It is always awesome to get a smokin' deal!