Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Ya know the game where you have to pick one beauty item you would want if you were stranded on a desert island? I’m pretty sure mine would be mascara. Folks are gettin’ crazy with the wands, have you seen the vibrating ones? I haven’t gone there yet. I’ve definitely tried my fair share though, and a good friend would share her findings. So...a few of my faves (and not so faves):

Bad Gal Lash

Creates super fat, long lashes. I was stuck on this stuff for quite awhile. It has a tendency to get dry and leave little black flakes under your eyes, if it weren’t for that, it would probably still be my number one.

Too Faced
Lash Injection

When I decided to quit Bad Gal, I went for this stuff because of the similar brush. Ugh! So chunky, not cute, don’t buy.

Atomic Volume

The super helpful sales lady at Sephora talked me into this purchase. I was convinced I needed a fat brush to create fat lashes, not the case. This stuff rocks and much cheaper then anything else I’ve tried. So what’s the problem? No Sephora in MI. Sad!

DiorShow Iconic

I went to Macy’s in search of a Sephora replacement. I heard rumors about a great new Dior mascara and when I went to check it out, I was thrilled that it had a very similar brush to my Sephora goodness. It’s definitely a winner.

Now that I've found it, the only thing left to do is bat my lashes and convince my husband it's worth every cent!


Rachel said...

thanks for the good tips! i usually just buy the cheap stuff (maybelline) but maybe i need to branch out a bit.

Jamie said...

You kill me. I'm pretty sure Erik would kill me if I purchased it. Batting my eyelashes no longer works with him. He's onto me. I need a new strategy.

Katee Wallace said...

Interesting. I hated the Sephora one and loved Two Faced. Hmmm, to each her own, I suppose. :)

Brandon, Mandy and Benson said...

Kate- I must have gotten a bad batch of Too Faced, caue most people seem to enjoy it. It way a WAY bad batch though.